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Maureen Holtz’s career choice as high school teacher was sidetracked during the 1970s when she began work in the computer software industry. Upon retirement, she began to write novels and non-fiction.

Her publishing credits currently include four non-fiction books. Three of them revolve around an Illinois philanthropist (and Chicago’s “Richest Bachelor” in 1906), Robert Allerton. The first, co-authored with Martha Burgin, was Robert Allerton: The Private Man & The Public Gifts (2009), a biography in its second printing. Her follow-up book was Allerton’s Paradises (2011). Her third and fourth non-fiction books were published by Arcadia Publishing in their series commemorating towns and lands in the USA: Images of America: Monticello (2013) and Images of America: Robert Allerton, His Parks and Legacies (2021).

She continues to write novels, short stories, and travel articles. Her novel about a unique medical tourism model, The Last Resort, was published in August 2014.

See Donald Liebenson's profile about author and The Last Resort as seen in the Printer Row's Journal of December 21, 2014. "A provocative drama" -- Donald Liebenson.